Friday, October 30, 2009

Round table discussion, about the media worst case scenario for 2012!

How do you cope with reality?

Are you normally positive, or are you negative?

Would you like a negative afterlife, or a positive one?

What options would you like in that situation?

That is what I am here for!

That is my purpose!


Would you like to interact, with the people, who made the calendar, that runs out in 2012?

My option could provide that, or at least some good tips, in that direction.

I have no doubt, that we could find a good reason, not to do anything, but why, when we can do so much better, by trying to do something, that might sound, a little out there, but if you did your homework, you would find, that it is not!

It's a good deal, for everybody!

What is President Obama remarks, about my free experiment, to communicate with afterlife Orbs?

Do we have to wait until the book comes out, or the Earth is gone, as we know it.

Everybody makes a choice, and it is related to time.

It's time, to take back America, and do the right thing!

Free everybody, regardless if you believe they are there!

Nobody ever said, that you had to believe that they are there!

All I have to do, is prove to you, that they are!

Just like the lawyer in the movie Miricle on 34th street, where he realized that he was going to need a lot of media attention, when Santa Claus went on trial, in the movie!

My option is no different!

I understand what a bueatiful world is like, with out my grammar, and spelling, but this is what we have to work with, at this time.

"I can use some help from my friends"

Free business is down in Dayton, Ohio, as Tim Brewer, our free afterlife communication planner, can not even give away this option to all of us, as a safe, no obligation, free back up plan.

Fow call me right brain crazy, as I use the other 99% imagination, that Edison never used, and figured out the best option, for the media, worst case scenario for 2012!

Watch the movie, decide for your self, what is your best option out there.


We aqre informing, and interacting, about the big "A" list!

What is most important?

Being measured!

Would you like to just get lost, and never look back?

That option is out there as well!

It is not my fault, that most request, for afterlife planning, are free!

Example, you believe you go into a deep sleep.

That is a easy, and free one, but you are not obligated to do that one.

this year though, we are offering one, where you can actually communicate with afterlife Orbs!

I did not stutter.

How soon can we do it?


What is now?

It's 3:51 am, Dayton, Ohio time, friday morning, so rise, and shine, and inform the world, that it will be possible to communicate with afterlife Orb's as soon as this week, if Government allows it.

This break through into communication, will fix the world economy, and end all wars!

I did not stutter!

Does anybody ever listen anymore?

Hello, anybody out there?

Is this blog haunted?

Everybody afraid to come here, because they are so brained washed, with old information, that is out dated, like we might be, if we don't get on the stick, and do something, that is a good deal, for everybody!

Example, if we need to spread out as a polulation, during these troubled times, then we should begin to do that, as the government funds the private sector, as they help the public, as everything goes mobile.

What am I talking about.

You see in the movies, where everybody is trying to get out of the big cities, too late. Why do that, if we can get some volinteers now.

Free vacations to all voters, voted in across part lines!

Why fight, if we do not have too!

Allow me the chance to fix this 2012 distractions, and many more, or please do something with the one you have.

Who do i hold accountable for him?


Do you still support him, as he spends your money?

White house don't make money, you do!

I imagine I provide, a lot of things, than Glen Beck provide, or even many others, but I do throw an gaurdian angel spin in there with mine.

Safe, free, no obligation, afterlife Orb communication, just in case your option don't work!

My afterlife communication option, allows everybody the chance, to get hands on training, as we focus on the worst, so the worst will never come!

Please slow down, and think about that.

Why all these great thinkers from Ohio?

Why did our Government, decide to take the little green men, to Dayton, Ohio, at Wright Patterson, way back in the day?

Why all these strange paranormal events, in The Miami valley, of Dayton, Ohio?

If I am correct with my option, that is like a trifecta, or something, maybe even a Keno, or Ten o.LOL!

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, as I tap, my invisible thoughts together, as I ponder, that maybe it could be a good thing, to be a Foxer, even though, I have no clue what it is! I wanted to add my image, to CNN new sitee, but I am having problems. I do not have problems anywhere else, with my sad image, but I do at CNN, new forum!

Imagine for a moment, that it is 2012, and it is not looking real good, out side, just like the media said would happen, if they were given the chance, but they are not,because they have no answers for you, but some water,

Maybe I do analyze too much, but what does it hurt?

Why do my option, if 2012, is two years away?

My option covers, if the worst case disaster, gets here early!

I always like to give you more, than waht you expect.

what does that hurt?

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